1. Sponsored Articles:
TheTechBoy is accepting sponsored posts at a base price of 100 dollars. This will allow you to have an article written by TheTechBoy OR the company. These will be for tech products and companies wanting to publish their article on our site. Your article will also be shared on our socials.
2. Sponsorships:
This option will be for companies that want to partner with us but do not have a tech focus. For example a Christian clothing company. You would have articles or videos with your company mentioned in them.
3 AI Influencer:
TheTechBoy has created an AI influencer named Ava Harper. If you want her to promote your product let us know.
To get a sponsorship please contact thetechboy at contact@thetechboy.org
God Bless and Tech Talk To You Later
Please make the comments constructive, and vulgarity will not be tolerated!