.....In The Power Toy
If you want to create a nuke in The Power Toy this is how you do it.
1. Scroll down to the 'special' elements and create a diamond container at the top. In the simulation diamonds are indestructible. This is where the radioactive material will go. Be sure to have an opening so that the heat can go into the diamond. Alternatively, you can have it sealed with a lesser metal or wood that would transfer the heat to the radioactive powders.
2. Pick your radioactive material. You have to be careful not to put the wrong materials in the chamber or it will start the rector prematurely. Put in some uranium and plutonium as they won't react without heat.
3. Next draw an ice cube at the top and connect the ice cube to the diamond via Titanium lines. Titanium is pretty heat-resistant. Line the top of the walls with coal. Then put rubidium near the end of the line. For a more effective reaction, you may want to have the rubidium to be closer to the diamond and have a portal in and portal out (listed under special elements) to help the water get 'sucked up' into the rubidium.
4. Finally set fire to the coal. The cola will melt the ice and the ice will react with the rubidium get sucked up and facilitate the nuclear reaction!!! BOOM!!!
God bless and tech talk to you later!!!
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