When doing internet research, you may want to see what people were saying in the past. This can help you find news articles in the past or information that would be harder to find in today's SEO-optimized culture. This is how you do it.
1. Open Google.com. On the top right, there will be a bar that says "Tools"; touch it. On mobile, you will have to enable desktop mode to get the full use of this feature.
2. After tapping it, on the top left, there will be a bar that says "Time." Click that.
3. Select "Custom range" and type in the date or year you want the search to start and end. This will only show articles published in that time. You may have to scroll down a bit, though, because sometimes publishers assign dates to articles for SEO (searching "iPhone" in 2004 will sometimes show ads for the 2024 iPhone 16).
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