The S25 Ultra launched to much fanfare on Wednesday. However, one thing was missing: the S-pen. Now, before I go too far, the S-pen is still in the phone and it has an all-new design, which is nice. But it did lose a key feature, Bluetooth functionality. On phones like this before, it was able to pair with the device, and you were able to control the screen without touching it using the S-pen. No more; you have to touch the screen to use the phone. This is disgraceful. Samsung should have kept the feature even if it cost a few more cents.
The more important feature that is missing is also a remote camera shutter. Yes, Samsung says that they have other features that can do this, like the Galaxy Ring and Galaxy Watch, but those cost upwards of $200. When the S-pen is essentially free when it comes to your phone, this is terrible.
And also, because of the all-new S-pen design, you probably won't be able to use a last-year S-pen or S-pen Pro with it to get these features back. I call on Samsung to bring these features back. Companies need to stop removing features.
God Bless and Tech Talk To You Later!!
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