As you all know, in 2022, my failed bid to become President of my high school centered around the year-long evolution debate I had with key rivals, which led to what was essentially a debate/press conference about evangelical Christian values, teen dating, and unrealistic school policy. You can read all about it over on
However, three years later, Answers in Genesis released an AI chat program to answer questions about the Bible, Creationism, and biblical values. I took it for a spin, and it did a decent job.
It’s really solid on evolution—giving points on how radio dating can be inaccurate and even giving me pointers for an essay on the topic. However, it declines to write an essay (though I can press it). Next, I asked it about crop tops to see where it stands on "modesty," and... it gives me the same GotQuestions style runaround—not explicitly condemning or condoning them (so it’s obviously fine, duh, even though my vote was obscured by foreign interference).
Nonetheless, I asked about female pastors, and it gave me separate stances but didn’t take a firm position. In the future, I see this tool being really useful for clear issues in the Bible—like the age of the earth, finding Bible verses, and maybe even debating with 11th-grade geopolitical rivals.
It does crash sometimes and you can have your convo transcript emailed tou you. Articles from AiG are usually cited in the chat program.
It still doesn’t solve the gray areas like modesty, women pastors, Calvinism, etc., so it won’t be settling any X debates for now. You can create a free account on
God bless, and tech talk to you later. 6023, 6024, 6025…
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