There’s a problem with the internet today. All the good sites are gone, replaced by social media, mindless drivel, and low-effort commenters. Finding real information is a struggle—want a decent hacking tutorial? Good luck.
We were told hacking was "so easy a twelve-year-old could do it." We were promised that computers would revolutionize networking, communication, and productivity. Instead, we got Snapchat scams, no offline encyclopedias, information locked behind paywalls, and innovation that’s completely stalled. Want to know how to make a simple radio toy from 2005? Too bad. Want an entire encyclopedia on your phone, like the old CD-ROM days? Too bad.
Want a dedicated community that actually focuses on its interests instead of being distracted by outside nonsense? Too bad. (For now, is still gaining subscribers.) Want to do what you could on Windows XP, Vista, or 7 on Windows 11? Better pay for Pro. Computers have become glorified web app consumption devices—stripped of purpose, stripped of potential.
Internet culture is stripped of innovation and is now just a sea of people commenting on useless things.The web is dead, reduced to spam, influencer drama, and scams like "Hot Latinas in Your Area" or "Crushes Near You."
The web is dead. Computers are dead.
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