How To Find Your RDP Username On A Personal Computer!!!

How To Find Your RDP Username On A Personal Computer!!!

Hello, this is TheTechBoy with a special article.

    Connecting to RDP is hard when you are a personal user. All the tutorials are ridiculous or set for a domain network. Her is how to USE RDP on a personal computer and a private network.

Remote Desktop


Before proceeding, ensure the following:

  • Remote Desktop is enabled on your Windows computer. (You can check this in Settings > System > Remote Desktop.)
  • You have administrative access to the computer, as only accounts with appropriate permissions can use RDP.
  • You’re using a Windows edition that supports RDP, such as Windows 10/11 Pro or Enterprise (Home editions do not support RDP hosting).

After checking follow these steps.

  1. Open Command Prompt:
    • Press Wins + R, type cmd, and hit Enter.
  2. Run the whoami Command:
    • Type whoami and press Enter.
  3. Read the Output:
    • You’ll see something like DESKTOP-ABC123\John. Here, DESKTOP-ABC123 is your computer name, and John is your username. For RDP, you can use DESKTOP-ABC123\John as the full username when prompted and then enter your PC password.

God bless and Tech Talk To You Later!!


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